Autism and Superheroes…
Autism, a more than a decade before is hardly anyone heard about but now in every neighborhood you will meet some families who are struggling to overcome this identity. I don’t want to say this is a disease or illness but it is an ability to do certain work in a very different way. These innocent and happy kids who are trying to learn about the surroundings just with the help of behavioral therapy and sign languages as they are taking their own time in mental development in this fast moving world. So, in short Autism is more like a neurodevelopmental disorder and this covers a group of developmental delays in every aspect, that is why it is also termed as a Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Under this spectrum, we often seen kids are struggling with their communication and social interactions as well as they demonstrate stereotyped or repetitive type of pattern of behavior, fixation to certain topics and very much sensory related issues. Babies start showing symptoms of ASD as earliest as when they are 18 months old. Parents start observing these symptoms when kids start lagging behind in communications, not following simple instructions or not making eye contact. As per Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) it was 1 in 150 children in 2000 suffering from ASD but as per 2016 data based on 2008 born kids, it was identified in 1 in 54 children. I bet that ratio by 2020 must have been more alarming and still there is no medical solution on which we can rely on. Right now only proven method to see the improvement in those kids is by early intervention treatment using behavioral (ABA) and speech therapy. There are some other methods which showing some improvements in some kids but not in every other kid.
‘Till days you will find so much information all over the internet, families are educating themselves and others by sharing their experiences with different approaches in medication including diets, biomedical therapies, massaging, naturopathy and many more. But one thing sure, that will help your kid is just staying next to them, giving them comfort and security, show them affection and care. Eventually they will become independent and grow tremendously in their chosen field since these are the kids who are gifted with so many abilities that others can’t compete with them. These kids know how to focus on certain problems and solve them with perfect solution. They may be slow but eventually they win the race. So parents, stay strong, believe in your kid’s personality and just let your kid know that you are with them in their life. Then you will witness the superpowers of your kids and becoming them legends in their field.
Individuals like Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Thomas Jefferson, Nicola Tesla, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Swedish Climate Activist Greta Thunberg and many more who are described as they diagnosed under ASD, it was a blessing for them. They are now significant part of our society and an idols for many generations to come. They are the real superheroes and why? Just because they decided to think differently than any other normal people do.
Showcasing Autism character in any children’s TV shows was never be part of the agenda before, as per HopsterTV only 16% show had a disability character but recently PBS kids has decided to bring Superhero character with Autism which uses power and science to solve the problems. And now more TV shows are bringing Autism characters in a very positive mindset. This will definitely help families as well as kids to find out more about the kids on the spectrum and everyone will try to be more inclusive with that knowledge and understanding. This shows will also help kids on the spectrum to understand their surroundings and overall perspective of the world towards them.
Many believe that people with ASD has a very less chances of getting employed. It is completely rubbish, certainly they are capable of doing jobs. May be some have the limitations, but who does not have, every person has positive and negative strengths. With the right support, they can be the gem of the employer. Xceptional recruiting agency knows very well the unique skills of the autistic person that distinguishes them from others for a very specific jobs. These people on the ASD have unique superpowers like sustained concentration, faster problem solving, superior memory, strong attention to detail and high integrity. Basically autism is not a disease, it is overall developing into new personality that most of the people can not even dare to think like that. So parents do not loose hope, stay positive and enjoy the journey for the future of your superhero kid to explore his or hers extraordinary abilities and get ready to see the world from different angle.
I have decided to write more about autism and the related topics on this social media platform as I am getting more knowledgeable. So, stay tuned and please share your thoughts so I will also get more inspired and motivated to work on my findings. Thank you for being part of my journey.